若屬「中央銀行對金融機構辦理不動產抵押貸款業務規定」案件,其成數、寬限期、利率及相關授信條件,依前開央行規定及本行規定辦理。 The vote estimate is predicated on so-known as speedy counts of a sample of polling stations by a dozen highly regarded survey organizations. Widodo mention
若屬「中央銀行對金融機構辦理不動產抵押貸款業務規定」案件,其成數、寬限期、利率及相關授信條件,依前開央行規定及本行規定辦理。 The vote estimate is predicated on so-known as speedy counts of a sample of polling stations by a dozen highly regarded survey organizations. Widodo mention